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Kobe University Japanese Exchange Students Welcomed

Patcharin Jongjai     2023/08/27 ,     ( 253 views)  

On August 28, 2023, the Dean of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Associate Professor Dr. Surasak Khamkhong, along with lecturers from the Faculty of Liberal Arts, UBU, welcomed 12 exchange students and lecturers from the Faculty of Global Human Sciences, Kobe University, Japan, at the Faculty of Liberal Arts. The program was conducted from August 27, 2023, to September 7, 2023. UBU wishes all of these new exchange students great success in their studies at UBU!
English version by: Kanjana Manomai
Original (Thai) version by: Faculty of Liberal Arts
English revised by: James K. Powell II
Photos by: Faculty of Liberal Arts
