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UBU Green Club Awarded Gold Level for Four Consecutive Years

Patcharin Jongjai     2023/07/24 ,     ( 187 views)  

UBU Green Club qualified for the “Gold Level” at Green Youth 2023 by the Department of Environmental Quality Promotion at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. The result was announced on June 21, 2023, with this club having been awarded the prize for four consecutive years. 
Club advisor Assistant Professor Ratchawut Kotelakum noted that the project titled, “Half, each Glass, each Heart” sought to reduce a primary source of waste: plastic cups from beverage shops. The participants received a discount when they bought beverages from participating shops, and this activity could reduce the amount of plastic waste and carbon dioxide by 8.46 kilograms. This is consistent with the university's strategic plan to “go green”. 
On this occasion, UBU congratulates the Green Club for enhancing the reputation of the university as a livable and environmentally-friendly place that intends to maintain a sustainable quality of life, operating the organization in a manner conducive to raising awareness and emphasizing social responsibility with a concern to remediate the impact of global warming by focusing on the efficient use of resources.    
English version by: Kanjana Manomai
Original (Thai) version by: Sarayut Doungta
English revised by: James K. Powell II
Photos by: UBU Green Club
