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UBU Represented in National Research to Market-R2M Competition

Patcharin Jongjai     2022/12/10 ,     ( 416 views)  

On December 10, 2022, the Ubon Ratchathani University Science Park organized a regional “Research to Market-R2M” competition at UBU’s U-Place Hotel. On this occasion, UBU President Assistant Professor Dr. Chutinun Prasitpuriprecha presided over the opening ceremony, and Associate Professor Dr. Chawalit Thinvongpituk, Vice President for Research, Innovations, and Academic Services, gave a report, while Dr. Charuayporn Santhaweesuk, Vice President for Student Development and Alumni Relations, welcomed the participants. 
As a result, six teams were chosen from among twenty-two teams to participate in the national competition round, and “The One” team from UBU was one of six teams chosen.  “The One” team created a non-contact vital signs monitor which can measure temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen in the blood, and is quite different from other monitors for sale generally which are “touch monitors” posing a risk for the spread of contagious diseases, and the new monitor can show results within twenty seconds.  
English version by: Kanjana Manomai
Original (Thai) version by: Plern Wichaiwong 
English revised by: James K. Powell II
Photos by: Plern Wichaiwong 
