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Faculty of Nursing Got an award “Best Practice Awards 2021”

Patcharin Jongjai     2021/03/05 ,     ( 819 views)  

On 5 March 2021, the Faculty of Nursing was awarded the “Best Practice Awards 2021” for Educational Administration from the For Thai Social Foundation. Assistant Professor Sanguan Thanee, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing and Ms. Pempak Chaisongmuang, Assistant to the Dean for Student Development and International Relations, and Ms. Tamakone Tianpuridet, Head of the Department of Nursing, represented the faculty to receive the award. Air Chief Marshal Chalit Pukphasuk, Privy Councilor/Secretary of Phra Dobos Foundation, presided over the ceremony and gave the honorary plaque at Air Force Hall (Thong Yai Building), Bangkok. The award is cherished evidence of UBU success.
For 11 years, the Faculty of Nursing has performed according to the university’s vision and mission, focusing on the professional activity of lecturers, staff, and students. This award demonstrates the fact that the staff and lecturers have clearly created a relationship with the university creating a very efficient work environment for students. This award will inspire the university to continue producing professional nurses for the nation.    
English version by: Kanjana Manomai
Original (Thai) version by: Plern Wichaiwong
English revised by: James K. Powell II
Photos by: Plern Wichaiwong

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