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Faculty of Law organized a seminar and workshop on Sharing Knowledge on Thai-Lao Legal Knowledge and Strengthening Mutual Friendship

Patcharin Jongjai     2018/12/03 ,     ( 629 views)  

On 2-3 November 2018, the Faculty of Law at UBU organized the seminar and workshop on Sharing Knowledge on Thai-Lao Legal Knowledge and Strengthening Mutual Friendship at Ubon Ratchathani University (UBU). The aims of the seminar and workshop were to organize the course of the Lao Legal System, to create handbooks on laws relating to border crossing and to attend sporting events that will strengthen cooperation between the two universities.

In this special occasion, UBU was pleased to welcome the Dean, staff and students from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences at Champasak University (CU) totaling 15 persons who participated in the event. The activities included a seminar and workshop on 2 November 2018 and sporting activities such as indoor football and chair ball on 3 November 2018.

The Faculty of Law at UBU and the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences at CU have a strong relationship with harmonious cooperation. They have strengthened their academic and cultural activities for many years through organizing seminars and workshops on legal systems, and student exchange programs.

The activities organized by the two faculties not only promoted understanding about legal systems and other academic topics between the two institutions, but it also created networking opportunities and more understanding between the people from both countries. The continued effort to create opportunities to meet and exchange ideas will ultimately lead to solid long-term friendships between the communities in Thailand at UBU and Laos at CU.
