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UBU Lecturer Wins the 2019 TRF-OHEC-Clarivate Analytics Research Excellence Award

Patcharin Jongjai     2018/01/09 ,     ( 583 views)  

The Thailand Research Fund (TRF) and the Office of the Higher Education Commission (OHEC) co-organized the TRF-OHEC Congress 2019 on 9 January 2018 at the Regent Cha Am Beach Resort, Phetchaburi Province.The aims of the event were to allow senior researchers and young researchers to meet and exchange their knowledge while also presenting awards to outstanding researchers in Thailand. The awards were divided into three categories; the 2019 TRF-OHEC-Clarivate Analytics Research Excellence Award, the 2019 TRF-OHEC-Scopus Researcher Awards and the 2019 TRF-OHEC-Scopus Young Researcher Awards. There were 10 researchers from 7 universities in Thailand that were selected to receive the awards. During this occasion, Assoc. Prof. Dr.Siriporn Jungsuttiwong, a lecturer at the Faculty of Science, Ubon Ratchathani University received the 2019 TRF-OHEC-Clarivate Analytics Research Excellence Award. This award was dedicated towards a researcher whose research played a widely positive impact in the community and contributed to the development of society.

Ms Jungsuttiwong’s research involved the design and development of graphene nano-sheets. These sheets were used to absorb air pollutants in a petroleum industry that produced benzene and in a coal-fired power plant that produced mercury. Benzene is an aromatic hydrocarbon that causes cancers while mercury is also known to cause several diseases. Therefore, this research was believed to help the reduction of air pollution and increase people’s quality of life.
