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UBU Welcomes Its New Freshmen

Patcharin Jongjai     2019/05/07 ,     ( 411 views)  

On 7 May 2019, UBU organized an orientation for its freshmen class to participate in the Academic and Life on Campus Preparation Project batch 1. The aims of the project were to improve their foundational knowledge in English and Mathematics and to give guidance on campus life and successful ways of studying.

The event was officially opened by Associate Professor Dr. Ariyaporn Pongrat, Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs, and was held at the His Majesty’s 7th Cycle Birthday Anniversary Commemorating Building, Ubon Ratchathani University. There were 800 freshmen who participated in the first of four consecutive events.

The project was divided into 4 student batches. In total, there will be about 4,000 freshmen participating in the entire project. The first batch started their orientation on 7 May 2019 and the last batch will complete theirs on 11 June 2019. The knowledge provided to the students consists of the following topics: English, Mathematics, digital technology skills, information about the university’s facilities, various learning experiences, and campus life skills.

UBU believes that students who complete the preparatory program will easily find ways to be successful during their studies and live happily on campus. Pre-congratulations to all freshmen involved for completing your first step of success at UBU! 
