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Orientation for Graduate students

Patcharin Jongjai     2019/06/20 ,     ( 388 views)  

On 20 June 2019, UBU organized an orientation for graduate students who enrolled in the 2019 academic yearat Srimuangmai Meeting Room at the Office of the President building. Assistant Professor Dr. Chutinun Prasitpuriprecha, UBU’s President, gave awelcome speech to the students and presented certificates to 2017 graduates who won outstanding thesis awards. The event aimed to provide information about the rules and regulations related to their studies, facilities provided by the university, and guidance to reach success in their studies.

UBU congratulates the graduate students on their first step of their studies and is very pleased to welcome all of the students to the university. UBU hopes they will spend their time on campus valuably and productively and will be successful in their further studies.
