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UBU Management Science Student, as One of the Six Students in Thailand, Qualified to Attend the 2nd Be Young! Beyond! Startup Bootcamp Held in Taiwan

Patcharin Jongjai     2019/07/28 ,     ( 346 views)  

UBU is pleased to congratulate Mr. Pitchayoot Sripimuang, 4th year Management Science student at UBU, for being selected to participate in the 2nd Be Young! Beyond! Startup Bootcamp which was held from 20-28 July 2019 at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) Taipei, Taiwan

The camp aimed to reach a number of objectives: 1) to create opportunities for innovative talents in colleges and universities from ASEAN, South Asian countries, and America, 2) to interchange knowledge on innovation, entrepreneurship and technical studies, 3) to expand the international vision and participation of global issues, 4) to inspire transnational innovative ideas from the youth from universities and colleges, and 5) to strengthen the connections of innovative talents in the ASEAN, South Asian countries, and America.

This year, only six students in Thailand were selected to participate in the bootcamp. Mr. Pitchayoot Sripimuang said that it was one of the most profound experiences of his life to attend this international event. He was immensely pleased and proud to receive the great opportunity to be a student representative of Thailand along with five other Thai students from Mahasarakham University, Khon Kaen University, Suranaree University of Technology, and Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. At the camp, there was a total of 50 students from 7 countries: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and the United States of America. During the 8-day boot camp, he stated that he learned a lot and had endless opportunities to gain more knowledge about business and build his team work skills. Along with his group members, they had to brainstorm ideas and strategies together to strengthen the business capacity of their start up product to present at the end of the camp. While working on this task, business professional moderators held classes and presented talks that helped them gain more skills that will help them as young entrepreneurs. In addition to the business-centered focus, the participants also engaged in cultural exchange by learning more about one another and their respective countries and built an innovative student network amongst themselves.

For those who are interested in applying to the event, please contact UBU’s Science Park for more guidance and information. 

UBU is honorably proud of Mr. Pitchayoot Sripimuang for his drive, dedication, and hard work. His participation in this international bootcamp helps expand the dynamic reputation of UBU and the learning and teaching quality of UBU.

UBU welcomes all people to study at UBU in order to sharpen their knowledge and skills for bright careers in the future. UBU. Your Bright Future is Here!


Translated by: Jarinda Boonjan

Original (Thai) version by: Plern Wichaiwong 

English revised by: Thaviny Shaipitisiri

Photos by: Plern Wichaiwong 
