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The Faculty of Law at UBU organized an Honorable Event for Rapee Day

Patcharin Jongjai     2019/08/07 ,     ( 477 views)  

On 7 August 2019, the Faculty of Law organized an honorable event at its faculty in remembrance of HRH Prince Rapee Pattanasak, the father of Thailand's modern legal system (the Father of Thai Law). Assistant Professor Dr. Apinan Srisiri, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, led the faculty staff members and students in laying awreath to pay homage. Then, he gave a praise speech. Afterward, speeches were given by student representatives from each respective year of study.

Mr. Polsak Nonpala, President of the Faculty of Law’s Student Union, stated that the faculty organizes the Rapee Day event every year on 7th August. The aim of the event is to commemorate the passing of HRH Prince Rapee Pattanasak, the father of Thailand's modern legal system. During his lifetime, he illustriously dedicated a lot of time, energy, and effort toward the legal development in Thailandwhich has left invaluable contributions to the Thai legal system.  He was a jurist who always stood for honesty and uprightness. Additionally, he established the first official law school in Thailand. At the school, he created his own syllabus and even taught legal subjects to the students himself. Therefore, he was and still is accepted as the father of Thailand's modern legal system and is honored every 7th August, which is officially and nationally known as Rapee Day.


Translated by: Jarinda Boonjan

Original (Thai) version by: Plern Wichaiwong 

English revised by: Thaviny Shaipitisiri

Photos by: Plern Wichaiwong 
