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The Faculty of Nursing visited Kud ra-gnoom Shelter in Bungmai Sub-district, Warin Chamrap

Patcharin Jongjai     2019/09/20 ,     ( 422 views)  

On 18-20 September 2019, the Faculty of Nursing at UBU along with the Warin Chamrap Hospital and the Warin Chamrap District Public Health Office visited flood victims at Kud ra-gnoom Shelter in Bungmai Sub-district, Warin Chamrap District. The aims of the visit were to assess the victims’ health status both physically and mentally. They also went to observe and identify what other needs the community required. In order to achieve these aims, 30 fourth year Nursing students joined the service and were led by Ms. Kesorn Saithanu, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at the Faculty of Nursing, to help assess the peoples’ health. The students who attended are studying Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health at UBU.

Ms. Kesorn Saithanusaid that the health assessment involved diagnosing their stress, happiness, and depression levels. From the assessment, it was found that the victims’ mental health were at a very good level. However, they have indicated that they need help with the physical environmental damage caused by the flood such as cleaning up schools and temples, repairing electric equipment and maintaining public infrastructures.  

Moreover, in order to assist those that were affected by the flood, UBU established a Flood Relief Center in September. Under the operation of the center, UBU sent many groups of staff and students to help the flood victims in Ubon Ratchathani Province. Having students involved in service-based activities outside the classroom helped contribute to their learning beyond the traditional classroom, improved their community service skills and further developed their voluntary spirit to help those around them. 

UBU is committed to serving those around them and help sustain the life quality of local communities.


Written by: Jarinda Boonjan

Original (Thai) version by: Plern Wichaiwong 

English revised by: Thaviny Shaipitisiri

Photos by: Plern Wichaiwong 
