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Ubon Ratchathani University signed a memorandum of understanding with the Rubber Authority of Thailand

Patcharin Jongjai     2020/02/14 ,     ( 523 views)  

Rubber is one of the most important export crops in Thailand. It is widely grown throughout the country. However, the price of rubber is currently low and unstable due to many factors such as the imbalance of demand and supply, global economic volatility and the increase of rubber tree plantation in multiple countries. As a result, Thai rubber farmers have been affected by the drop of rubber prices and the government sectors are taking this problem seriously. Therefore, UBU and the RAOT collaboratively agreed to develop a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on rubber plantation, production and manufacture to help solve this issue.

The signing ceremony was held at U-Place Hotel, UBU on 14 February 2020. The MoU was signed by Assistant Professor Dr. Chutinun Prasitpuriprecha, President of UBU, on behalf of UBU and Mr. Kajornchak NuanphromsakulDeputy Governor of the RAOT, acting on behalf of the Governor of the RAO. The MoUhas a duration of 5 years.

The objectives of the academic cooperationwere reported by Associate Professor Dr. Chawalit Thinvongpituk, Vice President for Research, Innovations, and Academic Service. The MoU was developed to promote research and innovation cooperation related rubber plantation, production and manufacturein order to strengthen Thai rubber industries.It also aims to promote the transfer of knowledge, technology and innovation to Thai rubber farmers and related entrepreneurs. To achieve these objectives, the roles and responsibilitiesof each party were clearly assigned. During the signing ceremony, there were many distinguished guests. They were RAOT executives, UBU administrators, rubber farmers, rubber farmer institutions, rubber entrepreneurs, community members and reporters from multiple news agencies. They allrecognized the importance of this cooperation and how it will benefit the development of Thailand’s rubber industries.  

After the signing ceremony, Mr. Kajornchak Nuanphromsakul reflects on the importance of rubber as an economic crop in Thailand. He shares that rubber is widely grown in Thailand, occupying ​​approximately 22 million rai throughout the country. It also recruits several hundred billion baht per year to the country.However, the price of rubber is currently dropping. There are many factors that are causing the falling of prices such as demand and supply, global economy, and the increment of new rubber farmers in many countries.  From these phenomenon, the RAOT recognizes its importance as a central organization that is responsible for the rubber management of the country. The ROAT also recognizes UBU as a leading university in the northeast region that has conducted plenty of research on rubber plantation and processing. Therefore, a MoU would allow these two institutions to help solve the national rubber issue together. The two institutions will continue working on academic cooperation in research and technology. Afterward, the developed knowledge, technology and innovation will be transferred to rubber farmers, rubber farmer institutions and related entrepreneurs in order to improve rubber plantation and production. With this cooperation, it can help solve the rubber price problem and raise farmers’ income.

In response, Assistant Professor Dr. Chutinun Prasitpuriprecha shared that UBU consistently conducts research projects focused on rubber plantation, production, development and the processing of natural rubber products. UBU also provides academic training on rubber and polymer and has continuously provided academic services to rubber farmers and entrepreneurs. There has also been collaboration between the university and the RAOT in the past.Therefore, it was a great opportunity for both agencies to strengthen their partnership and create a formal cooperation. UBU strongly believes that this cooperation will lead to a long-term solution for the rubber price problem.

UBU is honored to be a technical cooperation partner with the RAOT. With the cooperation, UBU will be able to help rubber farmers improve their life quality as well as promote sustainable development for the country.


Revised and translated by: Jarinda Boonjan

Original (Thai) version by: Tippawan Valuvanathorn

English revised by: Thaviny Shaipitisiri

Photos by: Tippawan Valuvanathorn
