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UBU showcases its invention for senior citizens at the 2020 Bangkok International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition” (IPITEx 2020)

Patcharin Jongjai     2020/02/06 ,     ( 456 views)  

On 2-6 February 2020, the National Research Council of Thailand, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation hosted the 2020 Bangkok International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition” (IPITEx 2020) to celebrate Thailand Inventors’ Day 2020. The event was held at Event Hall 102-104 in the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Center: BITEC, Bangna, Bangkok. Many government organizations, private sectors, educational institutions and international research and invention organizations helped co-organize the event. This year, a total of 513 inventions from 26 different organizations in 21 countries around the world was invited to display their inventions at the event.

UBU proudly reported that a team of UBU lecturers and a graduate candidate were invited to set up a booth displaying their invention for senior citizens which was a magnetic stimulation for Pelvic floor muscle training. The UBU creators of this invention are as follows:

1.       Ms. Suradee Kittiworawej                             Lecturer           The Faculty of Nursing

2.      Assistant Professor Sawitree Singhard          Lecturer           The Faculty of Nursing

3.      Assistant Professor Dr. Atipong Suriya          Director           The Office of Computer Network / The Office of Academic Resources

4.      Mr. Piyawat Khotprom                                   Graduate         The Faculty of Engineering Candidate                     

The invention was developed to be used as an instructional material for nursing students. Its primary aim is to help demonstrate pelvic floor muscle training. The use of the invention in the classroom promotes 21st century skills by applying technology to increase students’ knowledge and skills.

The invention differs from general models as it contains some unique characteristics. Firstly, it has a shape of a bottom (waist to the thighs long) and is made of rubber with a thickness of 3 mm and a height of 40 cm.Furthermore, amicrocontroller is used to control the motor’s operation and hasmovement that is similar to the bumping of a bottom. Lastly, it can be operated through an application on a smart phone (Androidoperated).

All in all, the invention is a technological innovation that promotes health quality. It serves as a modern pelvic floor muscle management model prototype that can prevent urinary incontinence among the elderly. This invention is in the process of submitting an invention patent with the request number of 1903002553.

UBU proudly congratulates and thanks the mentioned inventors for working hard and devoting their timeto create this useful invention that will improve life quality for our senior citizens.

Written by: Jarinda Boonjan

Original (Thai) version by: Therdphoom Thongin

English revised by: Thaviny Shaipitisiri

Photos by: Therdphoom Thongin
