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UBU Organized the 7th Young Learners Rubber Camp

Patcharin Jongjai     2020/01/26 ,     ( 492 views)  

The Faculty of Science at UBU organized the 7th Young Learners Rubber Campat the Faculty of Science from 24-26 January 2020. The camp was officially opened by Assistant Professor Dr. Sura Wuttiprom, Deputy Dean for Student Development. Afterward, Ms. Sopha Arngkhamhong, Head of the Project, reported the objectives of the camp.  The camp aimed to promote students’ rubber and polymer skills and to enable the students to apply what they have learned to their everyday lives and careers in the future. The camp also aimed to provide knowledge on how to successfully use a work plan and to promote analytical thinking skills as well as to strengthen team work skills. There were 55 high school student participants (Grade 10 to 12) who were selected from different schools around Thailand. The camp was sponsored by the Chumbhot-Pantip Foundation and facilitated by lecturers and students from the Department of Rubber Technology and Polymer, the Faculty of Science at UBU. The participants were trained in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the manufacturing process of rubber from latex and dry rubber, the analysis and testing of materials, and the processing of plastic products at each rotation. In addition, a special talk hosted by alumni of the Rubber Technology and Polymer Department was given. The alumni are currently working in the rubber and polymer industry and aimed to inspire students who want to study and work in the rubber field.

Dr. Sansanee Srichan, Chairperson of B.Sc. Program in Rubber Technology and Polymer and the advisor of the camp, expresses her deepest thanks to the Chumbhot-Pantip Foundation for their great supportand collaboration.Each year, the rubber camp is held to provide students with opportunities to work with other students while also gaining more work experience. It also provides opportunities for students to exchange knowledge regarding rubber issues with individuals from various communities such as government organizations and private sectors.

UBU strongly believes that this camp will help participants recognize the importance of rubber development as it is one of the most exported products of Thailand. Additionally, UBU hopes that the information provided will help rubber farmers improve their products and reduce their production costs. Through this camp, UBU ultimately aims to achieve its university mission to help improve life quality for all through education.

Revised and translated by: Jarinda Boonjan

Original (Thai) version by: Tippawan Valuvanathorn

English revised by: Thaviny Shaipitisiri

Photos by: Tippawan Valuvanathorn/The Faculty of Science
