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The Faculty of Nursing at UBU Organized the 6th Nursing Student Voluntary Camp for Community Health Promotion

Patcharin Jongjai     2020/01/26 ,     ( 503 views)  

On 25-26 January 2020, the Faculty of Nursing Student Club organized the 6th Nursing Student Voluntary Camp for Community Health Promotionat Nakae Village, Phibun Mangsahan District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. The camp aimed to enhance nursing students’ knowledge on health promotion, to practiceprofessional experiences that helps improve the quality of health services and to better understanding of health care for the community through various activities.A total of 90 UBU staff and students facilitated the camp and hosted Nakae School students and community members from Nakae Village.  The camp was presided over by Ms. Sunanta Krongyuth, Associate Dean for Research, Academic Services, Arts and Culture Preservation and International Relations, the Faculty of Nursing.

The Faculty of Nursing Student Club is proud to have collaborated with theFaculty of Engineering Student Club, the Faculty of Liberal Arts Student Club and the Faculty of Science Student Club for this year’s camp. With their assistance, UBU was able to provide basic knowledge on health care, conduct basic health check-ups, clean up schools, paint toilets, renovate the school playground and plant vegetables. In addition, they encouraged everyone to join community-building activities such as playing interactive games, engaging in campfire discussions and displaying cultural performances.

Ms. Amonrat Hompan, 3rd Year Nursing Student and Head of the Project, reported that this camp is organized every year and she is thankful to the Rawe Sub-district Administration Organization, Nakae School, Rawe Health Promotion Hospital, heads of the communities and the community members for their great support and a very warm welcome. UBU students are grateful they had an opportunity to witness local tradition activities such as merit-making and being greeted with a traditional welcoming ceremony (Bai Sri Su Kwan) when they arrived.

Furthermore, Ms. Sunanta Krongyuth said this camp is pivotal towards developing quality graduates from the nursing program. It allows nursing students to be involved with the community and gain real-life experiences outside of the classroom. Having this experience can increase students’ awareness on local issues as well as increase their voluntary spirit to help the communities within the Northeastern region of Thailand, one of the Thailand Nurse and Midwifery Council’s standards.  

All in all, this camp is one out of several projects that the Faculty of Nursing organizes to help improve the life quality of people through health promotion. The Faculty looks forward to organizing more events in the future.

Translated/revised by: Jarinda Boonjan

Original (Thai) version by: Plern Wichaiwong/

English revised by: Thaviny Shaipitisiri

Photos by: Plern Wichaiwong
