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The Faculty of Nursing organized a conference on Role of Nurses: Challenges in the Digital Technology Era

Patcharin Jongjai     2020/02/11 ,     ( 502 views)  

On 10-11 February 2020, the Faculty of Nursing at UBU organized a conference on the Role of Nurses: Challenges in the Digital Technology Eraat U-Place Hotel, UBU.The conference was part of a commemorative event to celebrate the completion of the first decade of the faculty. The event was presided over by Assistant Professor Dr. Chutinun Prasitpuriprecha, President, while Assistant Professor Dr. Sanguan Thanee, Dean of Faculty of Nursing, reported the objectives. The event consisted of a special speech and lecture, a discussion on professional ethics for nurses in the digital era and a research contest and presentation.

Assistant Professor Dr. Sanguan Thanee said that the faculty held this academic conference to celebrate its 10th year anniversary. The special speech on the Role of the Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council and Nurses in the Digital Era was delivered by Professor emeritus Dr. Wichit Srisuphan, Former President of the Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Counciland Committee of the Council. The special lecture on Nurses and Big Data was delivered by Associate Professor Dr. Khanitta Nuntaboot, Director of the Center for Research and Development in Community Health System, the Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University. The discussion on Professional Ethics for Nurses in the Digital Era was delivered by Associate Professor Dr. Suchitra Luongamornrat, Advisor tothe Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council, Assistant Professor Dr. Saowamas Khunlan Thueannadee, Former Dean of Faculty of Nursing Khon Kaen University, Ms. Sasithorn Chamnanpol, Deputy Director of Nursing Department, Sunpasithiprasong Hospital. The moderator of this discussion was Assistant Professor Dr. Sanguan Thanee.

Research presentations consisted of both oral and poster displays. There was a total of 24 research topics that were submitted to the contest. They presentations were divided into two categories for award consderation: students and general public.


The award results are as follows:

Student Category

1st place:          Application for Fetal Counting

Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital.

1st runner-up:   Knowledge, Attitude, Food Consumption Behavior and Nutritional

Status of Nursing Students

The Faculty of Nursing, UBU.

2nd runner-up:  The application to assess the consciousness’ levels of the brain injury

patients in nursing students

Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital.


General Public Category

1st place:          The guidelines for fall prevention in elderly and care of

the elderly patients of Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital

Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital

1st runner-up:   The guidelines for treatment of wound infection in abdominal surgical

elderly patients by using Vacuum dressing model together with the 7 aspect model of care

Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital

2nd runner-up:  The guidelines for nursing practice on the prevention of venous

thrombosis in hip fracture patients (Fx. Around the hip) 

Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital

All in all, UBU sincerely thanks the keynote-speakers for sharing and delivering their invaluable knowledge and experiences to all participants. UBU also congratulates all participants on their success with the conference and thanks them for their attendance and participation.UBU looks forward to organizing more activities that will help improve the health quality of our people and to welcoming all participants.

Translated/revised by: Jarinda Boonjan

Original (Thai) version by: Plern Wichaiwong

English revised by: Thaviny Shaipitisiri

Photos by: Plern Wichaiwong
