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The Faculty of Engineering at UBU Organized EnTech Day 2020

Patcharin Jongjai     2020/01/31 ,     ( 410 views)  

On 30-31 January 2020, the Faculty of Engineering at UBU organized EnTech Day 2020 at the Faculty of Engineering. The theme was “Using Technology and Innovation to Drive Development in the Country”. The event was presided over by Assistant Professor Dr. Chutinun Prasitpuriprecha, President. Afterward, Assistant Professor Dr. Mongkol Pusayatanont, Dean of Faculty of Engineering, reported the objectives of the event. The event aimed to create a space for participants to exchange research ideas and engage in innovative project competitions. Moreover, it enabledhigh school and university students to showcase their knowledge and skills of engineering, which aligns with the governmental policy of promoting the use of technology within the country. The faculty hopes that, as a result, the event will inspire participants to create innovations that will ultimately help develop Thailand’s society.

Motivated to follow the Thailand 4.0 model, the faculty endlessly works to produce quality graduates of engineering while also providing academic services to local communities. The faculty believes that the youth are integral towards the development of the country and are valuable assets within our society. In respect of this, they want to ensure that secondary students have the accessibility to knowledge that can help them foster meaningful dialogue and create new innovative ideas.

To support this academic mission, the dean has reported that the faculty proudly organizes this event every year to present research presentations and student project exhibitions, hold multiple student competitions and set up work-opportunity booths with governmental and private organizations. This year, a total of 116projects were submitted to the innovation competition in which students built their own invention. Furthermore, there were multiple teams involved in the engineering skills competition. The details are as follows: 18 teams in the Kwai-Too Robot Competition, 52 teams in the Stimulation Bridge Competition and 58 teams in the Water Rocket Competition.

Aside from the competitions, an academic talk, a special seminar and a laboratory tour of the faculty was also organized. The talk incorporated advice and guidance on how students can pursue post-secondary opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate level studies in the field of engineering.  The special seminar was hosted by alumni of the program who are currently entrepreneurs. They focused on how to utilize energy as a tool to develop the country and maintain a successful business. When the participants were not engaged in academic activities, students were provided with student-organized entertainment.

During a special session of the event, Assistant Professor Dr. Chutinun Prasitpuriprecha awarded certificates to outstanding researchers who were recognized on both national and international levels. Afterward, the president also engaged in various activities with the participants such as visiting the student project exhibitions and meeting with representatives from various organizations.

The Faculty of Engineering at UBU expresses their deepest gratitude to all participants of this year’s event and looks forward to organizing the next one. 

Revised and translated by: Jarinda Boonjan

Original (Thai) version by: Tippawan Valuvanathorn

English revised by: Thaviny Shaipitisiri

Photos by: Tippawan Valuvanathorn
