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Faculty of Agriculture Unveils New Organic Cherry Tomato Innovation: one tomato plant produces 4,000 tomatoes

Patcharin Jongjai     2021/02/06 ,     ( 858 views)  

The UBU Faculty of Agriculture succeeded in producing a hydroponics system for cherry tomato agriculture resulting in one tomato plant producing 4,000 tomatoes. Associate Professor Dr. Boonsong Aekkapong, a foremost researcher at the Faculty of Agriculture, is an organic cherry tomato expert who persisted in his experiment until he was successful. This project was to be revealed at the Agricultural Fair 2021, which has been unfortunately postponed due to the COVID-19 epidemic.  
Associate Professor Dr. Boonsong Aekkapong noted that the Faculty of Agriculture has continued experiments on this project for many years and is prepared to provide data to the farmers in order to foster income and family-based sustainable development.  The cherry tomato’s special quality is its great flavor and in modern times, it is commonly eaten as a fresh fruit selling for 200-300 baht per kilogram. The most outstanding strain is the “Red Cherry Tomato”.
This experiment was successful as expected and it ranked among the top contenders in Thailand. One particular tomato plant named “Mahamongkol” was able to produce 4,000 tomatoes. This approach employed a hydroponic circulating water system. The tomato needs more nutrients, and leaves and roots must be balanced. Also, the researcher recommends 100 liters of water per day in the water basin for tomato root nourishment including sufficient AB fertilizer, to make a satisfactory product. 
The project was intended for demonstration at the Agricultural Fair 2021, cancelled due to Covid 19 restrictions. The people can visit and appreciate these tomatoes from the 5th to the 14th of February 2021 or more information is available at the Faculty of Agriculture, UBU, telephone: 045-353500.        
English version by: Kanjana Manomai
Original (Thai) version by: Plern Wichaiwong
English revised by: James K. Powell II
Photos by: Plern Wichaiwong

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